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During an A.J. O’Connor Associates (AJO) facilitated a session for leaders in the hospitality industry, learning agility was rated last in our ten 2020 leadership competencies in terms of perceived importance and leadership development needs. Executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith conceded that learning agility was overlooked in his 2008 research on how future leader competencies are different from […]

Building on the theme of our last blog on Future Work, we look at ten trends that are shaping the employment landscape in the next decade. Out of these trends, we identify ten leadership competencies that we think will be critical for 2020 leaders. Our ten trends and ten competencies have been compiled from a literature review that includes whitepapers, […]

“We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.” – Marshall McLuhan The fourth in our series of 2020 leadership competencies explores digital proficiency. According to McKinsey’s 2012 research entitled, “Minding Your Digital Business“, executives expect new digital technologies to transform their businesses. At the same time, many admit their organizations are unprepared when it […]

In Learning Agility Revisited: Can Leaders Excel Without It? (part one of our two part update on Learning Agility), we explored the latest developments on this competency, including introducing two refined Learning Agility competency models and their accompanying Learning Agility assessments. In this post, we’ll: Explore the implications for your career, for the selection and growth of […]

Our world is becoming increasingly inter-connected as work is performed across time and geographical boundaries. Organizations are becoming more diverse, culturally, ethnically, and by way of five generations in the workforce. Organizational leaders are learning that to be successful, they have to achieve results across diverse countries, cultures and generations. And yet a 2009 study […]

Organizations are increasingly waking up to the revelation that strategic human resource management involves more than just “putting the right people in the right jobs.” The problem is that many still believe in cookie-cutter performance reviews to measure productivity and engagement in the workforce. For example, while an HR professional’s job is to attract, train and […]